K-3 Program

Curriculum: Academic, Structured

Time: Monday – Friday 8:45 am – 3:15 pm

Fees: $800/month


8:45 am – 9:00 am
Welcome/Daily Affirmations/Breathing Meditation

9:00 am – 9:45 am
Curriculum and Learning Stations 

9:45 am – 10:00am
Morning Nutrition Break and Yoga Stretches

10:00 am – 10:30 am
Circle Time/Group Discussion

10:30 am – 11:45 am

11:45 am – 12:15 pm

12:15 pm – 12:45 pm
Outdoor Recess 

12:45 pm – 1:45 pm

1:45 pm – 2:00 pm
Afternoon Nutrition Break and Yoga Stretches

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Curriculum and Learning Stations

3:00 pm – 3:15 pm
Goodbyes/Daily Affirmations/Dismissal


Will my child be safe going to school this fall 2020?

Yes, your child will be safe. We are taking strict measurements to ensure the health and safety of all our students. We have implemented a COVID-19 Response Plan. This plan establishes the proper steps and procedures that will be taken daily to maintain the safest environment possible under the circumstances. Furthermore, we will be limiting our admission to a small number of students in order to minimize exposure to COVID-19

Why choose High Five Academy instead of public school?

Did you know the new Kindergarten curriculum in Ontario is play based? This means that your child will be learning through play, which is why many children entering grade one are struggling to read and write. At High Five Academy our Kindergarten program is educational based and we use play as an extension to learning. We focus on reading, writing, math and science because we believe these skills are the foundation of learning and achieving success in school. By enrolling your child at High Five Academy, your child will have a head start that will benefit them for the rest of their academic life. They will be entering grade one being able to read, write sentences, add and subtract numbers well ahead of their peers. Additionally, during these scary times, placing your child in a smaller school setting will reduce exposure and crowd gatherings, which are important factors in reducing the chances of COVID-19 transmission.

Is High Five Academy a recognized school in Ontario?

Yes, High Five Academy is registered and inspected private school with the Ministry of Education. We offer K-3 classes and high school credit courses year round. All our programs are academic based, with an emphasis on the development of a child’s self-esteem, confidence and inquiry.

How does my child benefit from having shorter class hours?

Did you know Kindergarten is not mandatory in Ontario? In the public school, Kindergarten lasts 6 hours. At High Five Academy, classes are 4 hours long. This is because we believe younger children benefit from shorter classes. After a few hours, young children have less attention in school and are unable to absorb what they are learning. Since our program is an academic based program and there is a lot of learning, 4 hours is a substantial amount of time. Also, our program starts at 10:00 am, giving your child the chance to get a healthy sleep and leaving them to feel more focused and refreshed for class. Studies have been proven that children who begin class at a later time are able to accomplish more, and see greater success in their learning.

Will my child have any physical activity or outdoor play time?

Yes. There will be 2 physical fitness breaks and a ½ hr outdoor recess time, after lunch. We believe that physical fitness is part of healthy development (healthy body, healthy mind). If the weather is very cold outside, we do not take the small children outside.

Can my child stay for longer hours after the program is finished?

Yes. You have the option of enrolling your child in the After School Program which runs from after school- 6:00pm.

Is it too late to enrol my child in the Half Day Kindergarten Program?

No, it is not. We have a continuous intake for all our programs, which means we admit students throughout the year. You can also transfer your child from another program throughout the year.

What are daily affirmations and breathing meditation?

An alarming number of children are experiencing poor self-image and anxiety in this day and age. By teaching children to make daily affirmations, it helps them to gain a greater sense of self-love and promote positive inner thoughts. When this happens, they maintain a more positive self-image and build an inner strength to face daily challenges. In addition, the breathing techniques help children learn to relax their minds and bodies. This not only helps their concentration and focus, it also helps them manage stress and anxiety in a more effective way. 

What are yoga stretches?

Nowadays, children live busier lives and feel more pressure than ever before. Yoga provides a great benefit to children because it promotes their sense of calmness and relaxation. It builds their ability to concentrate and focus. In addition, it promotes daily physical activity, in a non-competitive environment, which reduces any pressure to perform or win. 

What are learning stations?

Learning stations are set up by the teacher to expand on lessons and give students an opportunity to experience hands on learning. Children are able to explore, investigate, manipulate, make mistakes and try again. By applying what they have learned, children develop a deeper understanding of the lessons they are taught, rather than focusing on memory.

I have lots of questions about your program….

Please book a time to speak to Ms. Didi for a more in depth overview of the program.

High School Credit Courses Registration

Click here to register for high school credit courses.

Summer Camp Open
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